Additional Resources
Find podcasts, organizations, and books to accompany you on your journey.
General Psychological Resources
The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk
Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents by Lindsay Gibson
Recovering from Emotionally Immature Parents by Lindsay Gibson
The Place We Find Ourselves Podcast by Adam Young
The Center for Faith, Sexuality, & Gender
The Center equips leaders with theologically sound and accessible resources, and helps leaders shape the people entrusted to them. To do this, The Center provides resources in the form of adult and student small-group learning experiences, conferences, pastoral and academic papers, private theological and pastoral consultation, and other avenues such as blogs, videos, podcasts, speaking, and webinars.
Eden Invitation
Creating space to receive the whole person, grow systems of mutual support, and empower for creative discipleship
Equip is the premier consulting and training solution for churches aspiring to be places where gay Christians thrive for a lifetime according to a historic sexual ethic.
Providing LGBTQ+ people opportunities to engage with tangible expressions of Christ.
We exists to support and encourage Christians who are sexual minorities so they can flourish in historic Christian traditions.
Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones by Posture Shift
Tenderness by Eve Tushnet
When Children Come Out by Mark Yarhouse
Unwanted by Jay Stringer
Single, Gay, Christian by Gregory Coles
No Longer Strangers by Gregory Coles
Costly Obedience by Mark Yarhouse & Olya Zaporozhets
Listening to Sexual Minorities by Mark Yarhouse et al.
Understanding Sexual Identity by Mark Yarhouse
Gay & Catholic by Eve Tushnet
An Impossible Marriage by Laurie & Matt Krieg
Messy Grace by Caleb Kaltenbach
Messy Truth by Caleb Kaltenbach